Creating blog posts with GitHub Issues

Creating blog posts with Hugo and GitHub issues.

Creating blog posts with GitHub Issues
Photo by Unseen Studio / Unsplash

I just read Garrit's blog post about publishing posts for blog with GitHub action and issues. I was thinking about making the publishing process easier, but still in intention with creating API, but I like this idea and I think it's worth trying. So I decided to write my own action and this blog post.

My blog runs on Hugo and I also manage a couple of sites for our clients in work on Hugo . It was easier for me to write a template for Hugo than to use Wordpress. And I don't have to worry about backing up the database or updating it. However, there are drawbacks, static pages are not as easy to manage - you have to manage files in git and use the command line.

This is easy for me but not everyone I know is friend with commandline and issues on github partly solve this problem and I think it is easier to explain people how to create an issue than how to install Hugo and on our keyboard[1] is harder to write # for headings or * ...

The workflow

  • You or someone else creates GitHub issue with post content (I don't accept strangers posting on my blog)
  • You add labels
    • tag:tag name
    • type:type-name [2]
  • Add the action:publish label when you are finished with the reviews and you want to publish the post
  • Bot creates new pull request with post.
  • Merge pull requests to publish changes to production.


Thanks to GitHub actions, I'm able to reuse code[3] in my other projects as easily as this.

name: CI

    types: [labeled]

    if: == 'action:publish'
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Run martinkukolos/action-hugo-publish@main
        uses: martinkukolos/action-hugo-publish@main
          git-commiter-name: "Hugo Bot"
          git-commiter-email: ${{ secrets.BotCommiterEmail }}

The code above just creates new content from issues, you still need more configuration to create a pull request. I wrote about it here in the readme of my project. Or you can check out the configuration of this blog.

The repository of my action is here MartinKukolos/action-hugo-publish [4]


  1. Slovak keyboard Alt Gr + X or Alt + Shift +3 ↩︎

  2. I added this to be able to create content other than just posts. (e.g. pages, projects and more) ↩︎

  3. No need to copy functions to other projects or configure anything special on them. ↩︎

  4. I created it primarily for creating posts for Hugo, but it may work with other static site generators, let me know if it does. ↩︎